The latest development of Quanzhou bags factory
As Quanzhou city become China’s brand capital.
Quanzhou have develop his reputation in bags industry, shoes industry and clothing industry.
In the same time i have accumulated enough industial chain to developing all this industry.
But now there have some uncertain factor influence the development of quanzhou bags.
Like the B2C development make the order small and small, some bags manufacturer have set a little factory specialized in little order.
Although the price is higher then massive price.
But the cost of developing small order is higher then massive bags products.
The labour fee also higher then general bags order.
The exchange rate of USD is also a uncertain factor influence the development of quanzhou bags factory.
But a good news is more and more client like to use RMB(Chinese Yuan) to pay for the bags goods.
So that we would not afraid the uncertain exchange rate.
The win win bags business is the long business.